They say practice makes perfect and that getting used to something sometimes makes it less effective along the run. If you are used to being excited by something, being exposed to it all the time reduces the excitement little by little.
It seems like this method works almost everywhere, there’s a phenomenon that experts call rejection therapy. This is when a person would intentionally subject themselves to situations where they would be rejected so that when real rejection hits them they would be able to withstand it. Sound crazy right?
Happiful states that this can involve asking for a drink or a discount, and the goal is to embrace discomfort and build confidence by overcoming the fear of rejection. Similar to exposure therapy, which gradually exposes individuals to things or situations they are afraid of, the mentioned publication further explains that rejection therapy is based on self-help rather than psychology.
“Unlike a more researched and guided method like exposure therapy, rejection therapy happens without oversight, support, or guidance that working with an experienced, qualified therapist provides.”
So, when it comes to social anxiety, how is this therapy helpful?
According to the Independent publication, rejection therapy is a method used to help patients with social anxiety disorder cope with rejection. It is said to involve exposure therapy, where participants are exposed to rejection through simple actions, such as asking for directions or finding a coffee shop. The mentioned source further explains that the goal is to show that rejection is a part of life, and the best approach is with the support of a therapist.
Licensed psychologist, Dr Elisabeth Morray claims that rejection therapy can be beneficial for those seeking to expand their comfort zones, take risks, and become more vulnerable. However, she warns that it may be more harmful without proper support and resources. She further encourages that seeking help from a mental health professional is recommended.
Also see: Here’s how micro-flirting can save you the pain of rejection