It may be the ‘most wonderful time of year’ but Christmas is also a time when emotions can run high due to the stress and pressures of trying to create the perfect day as a host or even guest. However, festive hosting doesn’t have to be a daunting or stressful experience if you follow these following tips.
Below are Christmas etiquette tips on how to be a gracious and polite host:
- Be welcoming and let go of the temptation to control every little thing. Although it is also a time where your emotions are high due to the stress and pressure to make sure that everything goes perfect, there will be many complaints from various people, however it is always best to try not to respond to rudeness by lowering your own standards and instead remain polite and kind in all your interactions.
- It may seem obvious but go out of your way to make your guests feel at home, do not get annoyed over trivial matters and refrain from following them around and picking things up.
- Accept offers of help. While it may seem easier to just do everything yourself, don’t turn your guests away if they offer to pitch in with food preparation, present wrapping or other tasks. As well as easing the burden on you, it is a way for them to repay your hospitality by making themselves useful. Make sure you enjoy your time with your guests. Even if your to-do list is overflowing, remember that you have invited guests for a reason so set aside time to catch up on their news, play a board game or watch a Christmas movie together.
How to be the perfect guest
Don’t overstay
Make sure you clear the duration of your stay with your hosts as far in advance as possible—at their invitation, of course. Don’t be vague or hope to extend your stay once you arrive. Of course, there is a chance they might extend an offer, but don’t make assumptions. It is always best to leave early so your guest could also have time to themselves before work resumes back. The last thing you want to do is take advantage of your host.
Bring a gift along
The gift shouldn’t be lavish or ostentatious. If you’re giving flowers, have them sent the day before with a handwritten card, so your host can put them on the table. Other good ideas: a nice bottle of red wine or scotch, fancy chocolates, or an assortment of fine cheeses.
Be helpful to your host
Make yourself useful and offer to help with the cooking, laying the table or looking after the children. Do not expect your host to anticipate your every need and keep you fed and watered while you lounge on the sofa.
Leave your space cleaner than before
Be tidy and treat the space with respect. It doesn’t take much effort to make the bed and fold your clothes up neatly.
Thank your host
It is always important to show gratitude towards your hosts as they took their time to host you and others in the best way they could possibly do. So a thank you note will definitely make their day.