Whether it is a friendship break-up, a break-up with a lover, or a family member you live with, break-ups are just not an easy thing. The direct meaning of break up is – “To cease the exist as a unified whole” which bares an immense load of emotions and is sometimes accompanied by sorrow, grief and in extreme instances, depression.
There are pros and cons that come with this decision but nothing supersedes your peace of mind and the mere fact that you have reached this point, means that this major step is completely necessary. Rather take the drastic step before break-up becomes your break-down.
Here’s what you can do:
Have pre-break-up Conversations – It is important to be certain that a breakup is necessary. If there is any part of you that wishes to resolve differences or work through challenges, now is the time to do it before a breakup. Unless you no longer love the person, or if you feel unsafe with them, trying to improve things could be a respectful decision for both of you, shares Choosing Therapy a mental health information hub.
Deliver the news lovingly – While there is no way to deliver the news in an upbeat way, it’s still a good idea to have the conversation in a loving way with the goal of trying to end on a positive, peaceful note. Start with a calm voice, and give adequate time and tone to the conversation. Seeming rushed or annoyed will seem disrespectful or cold, adds the aforementioned publication
Enlist support – Once you know it’s time to break up, telling a few trusted friends and loved ones can make your next steps much easier. Your social circle can offer emotional support, share Healthline a trusted provider of health information.
Take care of yourself – Good self-care practices can always help you cope, so make an effort to stay active, and spend time on relaxing hobbies. Professional support can also help.
A therapist can help you work through lingering doubts, grief, and other unresolved feelings about the breakup.
Therapy also offers space to become more conscious of your contribution to the relationship and explore changes to enjoy more successful relationships in the future, shares Healthline.
Also see: Got your heartbroken? Here is how you can move on after a break-up