Children are precious gifts and the thought of them growing to develop bad habits is something many parents do not anticipate.
While most parents wish for their kids never to tell a fib, many studies share that it is normal for children to lie. “Young children lie to push the boundaries of reality, avoid consequences, out of wishful thinking, or to better understand how others think,” says JoonApp, an app recommended by child psychologists that motivates neurodivergent children.
When a child tells a little white lie, many studies advise parents not to panic, instead, parents should sit their children down and emphasise the importance of honesty.
Here’s what professionals advise you to do when your child starts developing a lying pattern:
Don’t be harsh on your child for lying – Once you catch your child telling a lie, PsychologyToday advises not to say things that may shame them. The mental health information hub also cautions not to be sarcastic, reactive, or respond in judgmental ways as doing so might scare the child and make them not trust you.
Encourage honesty – Whenever your child engages in a lie, encourage them to tell the truth and make sure to reward them for that behaviour. JoonApp also advises for parents to encourage their kids to come forward when they have told lies. After your child has come back and acknowledged that they lied, the JoonApp reminds parents not to forget to thank them for their honesty.
Explain why it’s better to tell the truth – It is one thing to be told not to do something without reasons and repercussions and another thing when told with reasons accompanying caution. “For kids who lie partially to avoid consequences – whether the consequence is direct punishment or feelings of shame and judgment – it can be helpful to calmly explain why it’s actually better to tell the truth. For teens, this conversation can include possible legal, education, or work-related consequences.” adds the aforementioned app.
Praise your child for owning up to his/her lies – It is important to praise your child when they own up to their lying habits, shares RaisingChildren. This creates trust between you and your child and gets them comfortable to share everything with you.
Also see: 5 Important things you shouldn’t hide from your kids