Having smooth skin is a common goal, but attaining perfectly smooth heels? That’s the ultimate achievement.
Remedies have been surfacing the internet with lengthy instructions and ingredients. No more of that! Experts share 5-step recommendations to help you achieve smooth heels.
“We commonly see cracked heels with a condition called keratoderma climactericum (Haxthausen’s disease) where people who frequently wear backless shoes (such as sandals and flip-flops) get thickened skin and fissures on the pressure points of the heels,” says Rebecca Thiede, a dermatologist with Banner, University Medical Center.
Dryer skin can also be a result of ageing and certain medical disorders. Your feet may have cracked and dry from eczema, which is usually hereditary. Although they are not the most common places, hands and feet can get eczema. Diabetes, psoriasis, hypothyroidism, Sjogren’s disease, and infections like an athlete’s foot are some more causes of dry heels, the dermatologist stated.
“Simply walking barefoot on hard flooring can also cause dry, cracked heels,” she further added.
The dermatologist provides a simple routine to prevent cracked heels:
- Use creams and ointments rather than lotions.
- Hydrate your heels and feet regularly.
- Try to avoid standing for extended periods on hard flooring.
- To stay hydrated, drink lots of water.
- Examine your feet every day, particularly if you suffer from diabetes or another illness that results in dry skin.
Healthline suggests soaking and exfoliating your feet by following the steps below:
- Soak your feet for up to 20 minutes in warm, soapy water.
- To get rid of any tough, thick skin, use a pumice stone, foot scrubber, or loofah.
- Pat dry your feet gently.
- On the affected area, apply a moisturizer or heel balm.
- To keep moisture in your feet, apply petroleum jelly. Put on socks to stop grease from getting everywhere.
The above publication also warns against scrubbing your feet when they are dry as it worsens the risk for damaged skin.
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