Do you always fight with your siblings and wish you had a better relationship? Well, hopefully this article can shed light on how you can improve your relationship.
Family is for life, imagine not being invited to a family gathering and your kids not knowing their aunts or uncles. Doesn’t sound nice, that’s why it’s best to constantly work on it.
Psychologist, Kirsten Wier says “From early childhood, siblings are important teachers. They model how to behave at home and in the world and can offer practical advice on everything from math homework to asking a crush on a date. “Siblings often have a better sense of what you’re experiencing with peers or with parts of your world that parents don’t have access to or don’t see in the same way.”
Sibling relationships are in most cases not clear-cut, sometimes those who fight the most are the most loyal or loving towards each other and will always protect each other when one is not around.
According to Psychology Today, to build a good relationship with siblings, you need to find things you enjoy about each other and complement each other on progress. Many times siblings of close age become friends, however, this is not a requirement for a good relationship, only do it if it feels right or it organically happens.
- Family drama shouldn’t deter you from building a relationship with your siblings.
- Keep in contact to update each other about your lives, children and work.
- Create your own traditions by visiting each other at least once a quarter, school holidays and big family feasts on Christmas day.
- Celebrate each other because that forms a bond that no one can come in between, whether small or big it’s worth it.
- Become a confidant, someone your brother or sister can wholeheartedly trust and can tell everything to without judgement.
- Don’t overstep your boundaries, Its is always tempting to step in even when not needed but creating a safe space to not overstep keeps the relationship going.
Siblings will always fight, but you should always remember you’re fighting with someone you love therefore do not hit below the belt or be tempted to use things said to you in confidence against your siblings.
Also see:How to maintain a healthy relationship with your boarding school child