There is nothing more disappointing than being on a date with someone that you are clearly not compatible with. Sometimes compatibility is not even the issue, sometimes the date is someone who is very self-centered, making it difficult to talk about anything else but him/her.
While you might have looked forward to the date, sitting looking at the person you’re with, bored and wishing that the wind would blow you out of your date might feel like forever. We have compiled four ideas by The Guardian Nigeria News to use next time you find yourself bored while on a date.
Always meet in a public space
For every date you have with someone you barely know, always ensure it is in a public space. This ensures your safety and you can easily leave when and if the date turns out badly.
Politely explain
You can politely explain to your date that you are not comfortable with the date and would like to leave if they are the type that understands, this will make things easier for both of you. Keep it simple: tell your date that you feel like it isn’t going to work, settle your bill, and leave. Ensure you are not rude as this might severe all future relationships.
Come up with an excuse
If you don’t want to hurt your date’s feelings, you can make an excuse so that you can leave. Before the day ends, however, explain to them why you would rather not go out with them again, it is terrible to leave people holding on to what cannot work.
Have your friend call you
You can have a friend or relative call you and make it look like there’s an emergency which will require you to leave the date. This arrangement should have been made with them before the date. This will help avoid any embarrassment from both parties. As stated above, ensure you inform them about the date and why you cannot further any relationship with them.