Having bad smelly shoes is not always a sign of bad hygiene as sometimes smelly feet can be caused by bacteria and fungi that grow from the sweat of our feet.
Some people are blessed with odourless feet no matter how much their feet sweat, while others have it so bad that the smell can be felt even while wearing shoes. This small, yet big issue can easily kill one’s confidence as it may be uncomfortable to take off shoes in front of other people.
According to the sneaker brand Nike‘s website, home remedies to rid the shoe’s bad odour include the use of products such as vinegar, baking soda, soap and a spray bottle. The sneaker brand further details:
Baking Soda
Want to deodorise your shoes with a home remedy? Use baking soda. It’s a natural deodoriser that absorbs smells and bacteria. There are two different ways to use baking soda to deodorise shoes:
- Mix ¼ cup of baking soda, ¼ cup of baking powder, and ½ cup of cornstarch. Put the mix in a pair of cotton socks or sprinkle the mixture in both shoes and leave overnight. For an extra scent booster, add a few drops of your favourite essential oil.
- Alternatively, if you want to keep it simple, sprinkle straight baking soda directly into the shoes and leave them for at least 24 hours.
Tip: To maximise the effect, clean your shoes thoroughly inside and out before applying the solution.
Another home remedy to remove sneaker odour is to drop a bar of soap into each shoe and leave it overnight. Soap kills bacteria and the smell they produce. Plus, soap is porous, so it’ll absorb the smell and replace it with a clean, soapy scent.
Tip: Make sure your bars of soap aren’t wet before adding them to the shoes, as moisture will only encourage bacteria.
Drying out any excess moisture from shoes is an easy and effective way to rid them of odours. Put your shoes in direct sunlight for a few hours after a run to let them dry completely before its next wear.
Wear Socks
Going sockless is a surefire way to make shoes smell. Socks absorb sweat and moisture produced by warm feet. This is particularly important if you’re prone to sweaty feet.
Tip: Consider a pair of socks made with cotton — a breathable and sweat-absorbing fabric that will help keep your shoes smell-free.
Check the Insoles
If you’ve been wearing the same insoles for years, it’s probably time to replace them. Often, insoles are the source of smelly shoe odours. You might just find that a new pair of insoles “magically” get rid of that persisting funky smell.
Also see: Why sniffing people’s body odour could be good for you