Celebrated on his birthday, Nelson Mandela Day, also referred to as Mandela Day or Nelson Mandela International Day, celebrates the life of South Africa’s former president, activist, and freedom fighter Nelson Mandela. With this year’s theme being ‘It is in Your Hands,’ there are many ways to give back to your community.
In addressing the scourge of poverty, suffering and deprivation, Madiba uttered the following words:
“It is in your hands to make our world a better one for all, especially the poor, vulnerable and marginalised.”
The South African Government’s website says, “These profound words by our global icon and father of our nation is at the heart of our actions this Nelson Mandela Day in tackling the intersection between climate change and food security.”
The 67 minutes society uses to promote and do good symbolically represents the number of years the former President fought for human rights and the abolition of apartheid, explains the national website mentioned above.
Below are ideas on how to spend time giving back to others.
Plant a tree
Contribute to a community by producing home-based food gardens through planting trees. “Through the initiative, it aims to help mitigate the impact of climate change and contribute to stabilising and enriching the soil around our communities to help food gardens flourish,” says the South African Government on its website.
Make sandwiches for the homeless
As a family, an office, or a group of friends, get loaves of bread to prepare sandwiches for those living on the streets. Your 67 doesn’t have to stop there. How about sitting down and having lunch with them? Not only will their tummies be filled, but their hearts too.
Donate books
Instead of throwing your old children’s books away, head over to your local library and donate them. You can also collect and distribute books to under-resourced schools, donate magazines and books to an under-resourced home for the elderly or visit a reading club.
Throw a tea party at a children’s or old age home
Who doesn’t like a party? Visit a local children’s or old age home and dazzle the kids and the elderly with a fun tea party for them to enjoy. Don’t forget the cake!
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