Everyone who loves rice or prepares rice dishes often knows the struggle and disappointment of not being able to master the perfect basmati rice consistency. Cooking this fragrant rice can present its challenges.
But fear no more, as we provide some excellent tips on how to perfect your basmati rice to get that delicious fluffy, and tasty consistency with just a few steps.
Rinse the rice before cooking:
Rinsing helps remove the excess starch and prevents the rice from sticking to each other.
Soaking your basmati rice is optional, but soaking can reduce your cooking time and will ensure that the rice cooks evenly.
Make sure to use the right rice-to-water ratio:
We suggest a ratio of 1 cup of rice to 1.5 cups of water. If you’re preparing your basmati in a rice cooker, follow the manufacturer’s instructions, as it may vary.
Fry/ toast the rice in a bit of butter before adding your water:
This will add a subtle nutty flavour.
Bring to a boil and then simmer:
Once your rice has boiled, cover the pot and bring down the heat to the lowest setting. Allow it to simmer for 12–15 minutes without uncovering it.
Fluff with a fork:
Before serving, gently fluff the rice with a fork to separate the grains.
Add flavour :
For added flavour, throw in a bay leaf, a few cloves, or cardamom pods with the rice while it cooks. You can also cook it in some stock instead of water.
Avoid over-stirring:
Constant stirring of your basmati rice will release more starch, making it sticky, so keep it minimal.
Compiled by: Katelin Maggott
First published by Food & Home
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