Make your Mother’s Day more special and even more exciting by incorporating a few games for the whole family to participate in!
If you and your family are planning to celebrate and host Mother’s Day at home, include Mom and guests in a few activities suited for inside or outside, or any time of the day.
Game Rules states that some games work better for different situations, depending on the type of planner you are.
Below are some games suggested by Game Rules that you should definitely add to your list of Mother’s Day activities.
Don’t ask Mom
Most of the time, we go to our mom to ask for things or for advice… try not to do this difficult and competitive task on Mother’s Day.
To start, gather your participants and give them 5 pegs each to put on their person.
Explain to them that they need to watch what they say because they are not allowed to ask Mom anything. To add to the difficulty, they are not even allowed to utter the word ‘mom!’
Whenever a player hears another player say or ask Mom anything, they can steal the peg. There is still hope for those who lost all their pegs – they can still participate in the game and steal a peg when hearing other players breaking the rules.
At the end of the day, whoever has the most pegs wins!
Burst the balloon
Balloons are a great way to get the little ones to join in on the fun.
Before starting the day, get the kids (and an adult to help) to write on a piece of paper a few ideas that will benefit the moms. This could include some chores or even gift vouchers.
Once you have written all the ideas on paper, put them in the balloons and let the kids blow them up. (One idea per balloon). Place the balloons in a spacious room, preferably one with little to no furniture.
When it is time to start the Mother’s Day activities, gather all the moms in that room. Set a time for 1 minute and have the mothers stomp on or pop as many balloons as they can.
They should not forget to take the pieces of paper as they stomp and pop or they will miss out on the fun ideas you have in store for them!
Two Truths and a Lie
Turn this popular game into a Mother’s Day version.
Get players to choose two statements that are truthful, while the third is a lie.
Let the other players choose which of the three statements you made is a lie.
This is a perfect game for the family to see who knows Mom best or get to know your mom more.
Bonus game from Good Housekeeping.
Mother, may I?
This is a great way to test those memory skills!
Whenever you have to ask your mom a question, you must say, “Mother, may I?” before doing anything.
If you fail to do so, you are out of the game.