Parenting requires us to be conscious of what we say and how we conduct ourselves infront of our children. Many studies have shown that their behaviour can sometimes be molded by what they are exposed to at home.
Showing love and care with a little bit of public display of affection to your partner is said to not only model a loving relationship for your children, but it also teaches them what should and should not be done to them by adults. Below is more information on why you should appreciate your partner infront of your kids as shared by A Prioritized Marriage.
Praising you spouse infront of your kids
In the little things, we should praise our spouse and we should let our children hear that praise. When your spouse is interacting with the kids, you could say things like, “Daddy is the most fun story reader!” or “The snacks that mommy makes are always so delicious”. For older kids you could say things like, “You should ask dad to help you study for your history test, he knows all of the stories and dates better than anyone I know”. Or “I’m excited for our upcoming vacation! Your mom has put a lot of effort into planning this and I know it’s going to be a lot of fun because she always finds the best activities!” Focus on the positive talents and traits that you notice in your spouse. And share those so your kids start to notice them as well.
Complementing your spouse infront of the kids
In the big things we should let our children know how valuable our spouse is in our life. If your spouse gets a raise, make a point to tell your kids about it. And let them know how proud you are of their mom/dad for working hard and how well deserved that raise is. If your children have questioned something that your spouse has chosen to do, or the way that they are parenting, support them with praise. And let your kids (and your spouse) know how much you appreciate them as your partner in parenting. And how much you respect the decisions they’ve made. Because you know that they have your family’s best interests in mind.
Praising our spouse not only lets our children know how much we value them. It also speaks to that words of affirmation need that I believe every person has. Your children deserve to hear how highly you think of each other. And your spouse deserves to hear how amazing they are. Don’t just assume that they know how you feel! There are so many components to a healthy relationship and our children should see them all. We don’t need to sugarcoat and share with them only the happiest moments. But they do deserve to see how much we love each other and hear all of the things that we love the most.