With the festive season just around the corner, many people will opt for online shopping while in search of gifts. Although it is a quick and easy process compared to walking into a physical store, one needs to consider safety precautions to avoid falling into the trap laid down by hackers and fraudsters.
Below are a few tips you can implement to have a safe online shopping experience.
Avoid shopping on public Wi-Fi
As tempting as it may seem, using public Wi-Fi should be avoided when making your online purchases. Virtual private network (VPN) service provider NordVPN explains that public Wi-Fi is the perfect place for hackers and scammers to do their work as the networks may have poor security. “If you absolutely have to use public Wi-Fi, then it’s essential to use a VPN. The encrypted connection will make sure that your online banking or credit card credentials will be safe when you hit ‘Buy,'” writes NordVPN.
Only shop on HTTPS websites
Although not super secure, shopping on sites using HyperText Transport Protocol Secure (HTTPS) means that your details are covered by basic Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption from your browser to the site you’re shopping on, notes NordVPN. A way to tell that you are using a secure site is by looking at the beginning of a site’s address.

Beware of tempting links
Safety-focused website SafeWise states that you should not click on links to deals that are too good to be true on social networking sites. “If you’re really tempted by an offer, do some research or find out if anyone else has tried to take advantage of the deal before clicking.”
Don’t give more information than needed
Most online shopping websites will ask for your information to complete a purchase. SafeWise shares that you should only give information they require you to provide. Skip the fields asking for details that are optional as the more information you put in, the easier it is for hackers to steal it.
Use a virtual credit card
A virtual credit card – a digital credit card that can only be used online – allows you to shop online without revealing your actual credit card information or your real CVV code, writes NordVPN.
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