Having a daughter means you have to prepare yourself for conversations around monthly periods (menstruation), making sure they understand the importance of good hygiene especially during this time.
While this conversation might be easy to have with a teenager around the ages of 13-15 years, kids nine and ten years do sometimes start menstruating. Non-profit American medical academic center Mayo Clinic states that 12.4 years old is an average age to get a first period but, some get theirs at the age of nine or ten.
While some might be uneasy when thinking of their nine-year-olds having periods, knowing the excruciating pain that sometimes accompanies these monthly visits, the change in their bodies often indicates when the time is closer.
Signs noted below by American healthcare company that offers telemedicine GoodRx may help you know when the time is nearing:
Stomach complaints
It is very common to feel bloated when about to experience a period adds the health information hub. Some children and grown-ups also experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. The clothes can also feel tight during this period, especially around the stomach.
Mood changes
Mood changes due to the shift in hormones can be very tricky to handle when still young, not knowing you are about to go into your period. This, however, may be a sign to a parent that their child may be getting their monthly period soon. The mood change can also come in the form of your child being teary, more anxious, trouble sleeping and feeling sad, adds the hub mentioned above.
Tender fuller breast
GoodRx states that the first period usually begins two to three years post breasts development. They state, “as the levels of estrogen rise, this can stimulate the breasts to increase in size.” Your child can also experience a tender uncomfortable feeling that may require pain medication.
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