If you think that someone pursued and formed a relationship with another for the sole purpose of using or taking the person’s money, they are most probably a gold digger.
Gold diggers possess no honest emotions or physical attraction to their partner. Their main purpose is to enter a relationship and have access to their target’s wealth, explains WebMD.
While anyone of any age can be a gold digger, the title is stereotypically described as being a young woman who goes after an older and richer man.
Nevertheless, here are signs that your partner might be a gold digger, according to WebMD.
Manipulating others with their sexuality
Gold diggers will use their charm, good looks ad sexual appeal to get what they desire.
Associate themselves with other gold diggers
If all of your partner’s friends only date or marry rich, older partners, this is probably a sign that your partner is a gold digger. After all, you can tell a lot about someone by the company they keep.
Only appreciate expensive gifts
Thoughtful gifts such as a bouquet of flowers or an original poem are of no value to gold diggers. They will instead appreciate gifts with a significant monetary value such as the finest jewels or the latest sports car.
They never pay
If your partner never offers to pay a single penny for anything, they are setting the stage for what a future with them would look like, should you get more serious.
Obsessed with status
A gold digger’s ultimate goal is to have, or at least be seen to have, a high-status position in society. They believe that money will help them achieve fame and power. Gold diggers also tend to have a distaste for people who have a low status in society.