For some, sleep comes easy, while for others it takes loads of tossing and turning in bed till they fall asleep and others seem to not be getting any sleep at all.
There is nothing as unpleasant as not being able to fall asleep despite being exhausted, or perhaps you finally drop off, but your sleep is restless and constantly interrupted.
Many of us may have found ourselves in a situation where we are up at night searching for sleeping hacks or remedies to help ourselves fall asleep better without any interruption.
Here are five sleeping hacks which will help you fall asleep faster and better without any interruption.
- Keep your room cool
According to scientific research, your body temperature is key when trying to fall asleep, as your body temperature naturally drops when you start to nod off. However, the room should not be too cool.
Similar to how coming out of a hot bath makes you feel sleepy thanks to your body’s temperature drop, the best course of action is keeping a fan or a window open to keep cool air circulating, and then taking the opportunity to snuggle down.
Therefore, maintaining a cool but not cold temperature in your room is essential as the quickest way to help you sleep.
- Do yoga before bed
Yoga is another hack which can help you sleep better as it can help relax your body and help you get to sleep in record time.
In terms of sleep hacks, yoga has long been touted as an avenue worth exploring; certain sequences such as ‘Salute to the Moon’ are designed to be slow, gentle movements that promote a feeling of relaxation and which help relieve any bodily aches that might keep you up at night. Yoga gets a lot of attention for its health benefits, but if you’re stuck on a sleepless night, try your hand at some yoga and find yourself relaxing and nodding off immediately.
- Eat healthier
Eating healthy comes in handy in so many things.
Research has found that increasing your intake of fruits, vegetables, and pulses can help improve your sleep and the time it takes for you to go to sleep dramatically, as it enhances your levels of magnesium, potassium, or other essential minerals that your body needs.
Even incorporating more turkey – rich in tryptophan which helps induce drowsiness and sleepiness which can help make the distance between awake and sleep much easier.
- Drink warm milk
This is an old wife tale however, this tale is true as it is one of the easiest ways to help you fall asleep.
Psychologists have considered that drinking warm milk may have an unconscious psychological effect, and that it relates to the childhood experience of breastfeeding and the comfort associated with it.
So, if you want to have a little sip of something before you hit the hay, try a glass of warm milk, rather than the traditional boozy nightcap. You’ll feel better for it in the morning – in more ways than one.
- Cut off caffeine and turn off your electronic devices
Studies indicate that cutting off your caffeine intake after 3pm helps improve quality of sleep, and the time it takes for you to get to sleep. So, if you want to try something to help you nod off in record time, try ditching that late evening cup of coffee, and see what happens.
Researchers have found that the blue light from electronic devices disrupts your brain’s ability to begin relaxing for better quality sleep, as well as the likelihood of being unable to properly relax before hitting the hay, due to devices intended to keep you engaged. Instead, try and turn off your laptop, phone or tablet about an hour before you go to bed, so that your mind can unwind properly, and you can get that all-important quality of sleep that you deserve.
Also see: 5 ways to fight insomnia all naturally