Picture: pexels
The thought on almost every South African’s mind is, “how do I save money?” With prices increasing, finding ways to cut back and make ends meet is more important now than ever.
“When it comes to saving money there are various ways in which we can try to alleviate the burden on our wallets. We create budgets, cut back on luxuries and start looking for discounts,” comments Bronwyn Ragavan, brand manager for Milton. “There is another way to save money and that is by using the items we already have in our homes in a more versatile way. We have all seen the many Instagram and TikTok posts showing us the multitude of uses of everyday household products.”
Often the products we buy for one use, can be used for something else. A product such as Milton, which is more commonly known as a sterilising product for baby’s bottles, can have other uses. In fact, Milton can be used in over 100 different ways that many don’t know about. Such as:
- Disinfecting and cleaning the inside of your fridge,
- Used as a counter cleaner that not only cleans but disinfects as well,
- Removing the build-up of mould and mildew on bathroom basin tops and cupboards,
- Purifying water before drinking – a must for camping trips.
With these uses and more, using Milton to replace a few other items can help you save money.
“It is not only Milton that can be used in so many different ways, but other household items can be used for various jobs too,” explains Ragavan who gives the following options:
- Glass coffee jars are perfect for future storage uses. Instead of buying jars for pickling, storing (not only food) and preserving, rather clean and reuse your coffee jars once they are empty. They also make great planters to grow your own herbs in.
- Aluminium foil can be used to help speed up ironing by placing a layer of foil under your ironing board cover. Or scrunch up old aluminium foil and use it to scrub off tough stains from your pots and pans.
- Talcum powder can be used to repel ants when sprinkled on windowsill or can be brushed into your hair as a dry shampoo.
- Use your toothpaste to clean jewellery and chrome, remove scuffs from leather shoes and even give your piano keys a shine. A thin layer of non-gel toothpaste will also stop your bathroom mirror from fogging up. The same can be done for your glasses.
- For an effective odour remover why not use lemon or baking soda. A lemon rind at the bottom of your dustbin can help get rid of the odours. Or make your own natural air freshener by placing baking soda in a jar mixed with essential oils. Cover with a cloth and secure it with an elastic band.
These products and more have multiple uses, and in the end can stop you from buying a whole lot of different products instead buy one product for multiple uses, helping to save that little extra when doing your monthly shopping.
Also see:6 Local herbs to add to your garden