Surviving a friendship breakup with grace

Surviving a friendship breakup can be as traumatic as surviving a romantic one. However, it is possible to move on from it gracefully.

Give yourself permission to think back on the joys and lessons gained. Even if things end poorly, show consideration for the other person’s feelings and avoid dwelling on the past.

According to Everyday Health, “Some friends are with you for life, and some friends come and go.”

Irene S. Levine, a psychologist in Westchester County states that sometimes people simply grow apart, so not all friendships result in a messy split. The likelihood of them ending is much higher since one or both of the friends have lost interest in maintaining the friendship.

“Be sad. Even if you did choose to end the friendship (or have had it done to you), it is a loss no less sad than the loss of any other key relationship. Allow yourself some time to process and feel the sadness or anger,” according to Psychology Today.

Simply Psychology advises individuals to, “take time to reflect on the friendship and the reasons why it ended. This can help you gain insight into patterns or behaviours that contributed to its demise, allowing you to uncover valuable insights and lessons for future relationships.”

The above website also claims that it is not always necessary to make amends or accept the behaviour of the ex-friend in order to show forgiveness. But for your own mental health and to move on, it does include letting go of negative feelings. You should also forgive yourself for any part you may have had in the friendship’s breakdown.


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