The beginning of spring not only means pushing all of our winter coats and jackets to the back of the wardrobe, but it also means swapping out our coffee orders for something more appropriate for the season. Nothing says fun spring days like colourful and vibrant cocktails to compliment the equally vibrant outfits.
If you are a fan of fun cocktails but are facing the challenge of not knowing which ones to go for, here is a list of simple spring-appropriate cocktails that you’ll find at any bar or restaurant, while also can be easily made in the comfort of your own home.
Strawberry Daiquiri
The strawberry daiquiri is a cocktail named after the location that it was created in, which is the town of Daiquiri in Cuba. It is the perfect drink for a warm spring day as it often comes in a bright pink or red colour while offering a refreshing berry-like and citrus flavour. Similarly to the margarita this delectable cocktail can be enjoyed as the traditional version or the frozen

The ama-lekkerlicious
Judging by the name alone, you can tell that this cocktail is without a doubt a South African original. This FHM Ultimate Brandy Cocktail of the Year was created in an effort to showcase the modern side of South Africa. Brandy and aromatic bitters are an essential element to the sweet and tangy drink that often is pink in colour. Making it a fun addition to the spring drinks menu.
Planet Wine describes this drink as modern and fresh and not too outlandish.

Tequilla Sunrise
The tequilla sunrise is another classic cocktail that has been around for a long time. The name reveals that the base of the drink contains tequilla, with grenadine and orange juice to accompany. “The Tequila Sunrise is easy to make but must be constructed precisely in order to achieve the desired sunrise look,” says Liqour.com.
The sunrise look makes the drink a perfect one for spring time, and it being a three-ingredient cocktail makes it convenient for those that like to host or enjoy their drinks at home.

Cape Snow
The Cape Snow is another South African original that uses brandy as a base, which is unsurprising as our country is known to produce world-class brandy. This drink is perfect for spring time not only because of its vibrant colour that is sure to get people eyeing your drink wondering what it is, but also because it can double as your dessert for the day.
“Blended with a decent glug of brandy and ice cream, this versatile cocktail doubles as a socially acceptable way to drink your dessert,” states Gold Restuarant.
Also see: How to avoid your drinks being spiked