If you are one person who loves the spicier things in life then you would be happy to learn that spicy food has health benefits and that it is important that you consume it now and again.
Some people prefer to shy away from spicy food because of their intolerance, but if you are lucky enough to have the ability to stomach the spiciest meals, you are doing your body much good.
The following are the pros of having a little bit of spice in your meals according to food publications:
Speeds up metabolism: Healthline states that research from several studies suggests that many spices, such as cumin, cinnamon, turmeric, peppers, and chillies, might increase your resting metabolic rate and decrease your hunger. It is further mentioned that turmeric was also shown in one research to inhibit the formation of fat tissue in mice. “The effect is mild, so putting cinnamon on your roll probably isn’t going to aid in weight loss. But if you’ve reached a plateau in your weight loss journey, spicing it up may be just the thing to try.”
Supports heart health: The bad cholesterol known as low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, is less harmful when combined with chilli peppers, states Piedmont. “Capsaicin helps fight inflammation, which has been proven as a risk factor for heart issues.”
Increased life expectancy: Integris Health claims that spicy foods can increase longevity by reducing mortality rates in both men and women. The publication states that consuming hot salsa on tacos can also help prevent heart disease as the Vitamins A and C found in spicy foods increase blood flow, positively impacting cardiovascular health.
Decreases depression symptoms: “When eating spicy food, the body triggers a relapse of endorphins. Endorphins are the neurotransmitter that is related when the body experiences something pleasant,” explains the source mentioned above. It is also added that they can help relieve pain and stress and improve your overall sense of well-being.
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