Infidelity is always a deal breaker for relationships and no matter what reasons push people to cheat on their partners, those reasons don’t validate the act as okay.
Nonetheless, it is always important to know why people choose to cheat because no one gets into a relationship planning to cheat.
Several publications explain the possible reasons that lead women to cheat on their companions.
Emotional starvation: According to Brides, cheating is often motivated by emotional needs, rather than sex, according to studies. It is mentioned that women may cheat because there is a lack of conversation, empathy, respect, devotion, adoration, or support in their current relationships. “Some people convince themselves that emotion is not a real affair. However, most sexual ones start emotionally. It is pretty rare to have only a sexual affair without some emotions because they usually start as friends. That’s how you start crossing boundaries and justifying the behaviour.”
Low self-esteem: Low self-esteem can lead to a desire for external validation, especially if not receiving it from a partner, claims Mind Body Green. “People cheat when they’re not taking responsibility for themselves or taking care of their own feelings—when they don’t develop the ability to speak up for themselves in their current relationship.” The publication further states that it could be that the woman is abandoning herself, resulting in a need for external attention, which may lead to cheating or an affair rather than giving herself the needed attention.
Escaping difficult feelings: The above publication also states that “Cheating may also indicate there’s something within themselves or the relationship that they’re not dealing with,” similar to when people turn to alcohol or drugs to escape difficult feelings.
Knowing the current relationship is ending: Psychology Today mentions that women often cheat due to the realization of their primary relationship ending. “There’s a lead-up to a breakup. Maybe cheating is the excuse they need to end their primary relationship or maybe it’s related to the pain of relationship dissolution, but, either way, women sometimes cheat because their primary relationship is ending.”
Sexually dissatisfied: The above source also states that when women experience sexual dissatisfaction with their partners, it can lead them to seek other sexual partners.