So many of us spend large amounts of the day in front of a screen, but have you ever taken a second to consider how this might be affecting your overall health?
Screen time has become the normality in many of our daily activities. Many of us spend at least more than five hours in front of our electronic devices. While most assume that screen time only refers to the number of hours or minutes spent on our cell phones, this is not entirely true. This can also be time spent on other devices such as a laptop, computer, or even the television screen.
Although the reason for this occurrence is largely based on either work or entertainment purposes. Doing so may have serious effects on one’s body.
Research provided by the online publication Internet Matters has found that while several benefits occur in the development of children and their ability to process information, too much screen time does come with several challenges.
Among some of those mentioned are:
- Reduced physical activity and exercise.
- Sleep cycle is affected by the screen’s blue light.
- Weakens communication and social skills.
- Increased nervous system arousal which amplifies anxiety.
- Children with too much screen time score less in language tests.
Meanwhile, a study done by the National Institute on Drug Abuse has found that too much screen time is among one of the contributors to depression.
“Other studies have shown that excessive screen time may lead some teens to neglect responsibilities, use screens to deal with stress, and feel anxious without a device,” shares the above-mentioned source.
Mayo Clinic recommends the following tips to help carefully reduce your child’s screen time.
- Eliminate background TV – This will aim as a trigger and capture their attention from other tasks.
- Keep TVs, smartphones and computers out of the bedroom – “Monitor your child’s screen time and the websites he or she is visiting by keeping TVs and computers in a common area in your house.”
- Don’t eat in front of a screen – This is an ideal opportunity to have meaningful conversations instead.
Also see: How to prevent screen headaches