Picture: Pexels
The silly season has finally arrived, and many people will be enjoying the goodness that comes with the season festivities.
While most of us will be in best of moods, spending quality time with family and friends we will be spoiling ourselves with a drink or two with friends.
Drinking alcohol may be nice but the hangover can make you regret the previous day’s jol. Below are a few tips that may help you dodge a hangover the next day.
- Eat before and while drinking: According to addiction specialist information hub Addiction Group, drinking on an empty stomach is bad. Try drinking after you’ve eaten as food is said to slow down the body’s alcohol absorption therefore reducing the release of acetaldehyde in your tummy. “The more food you consume before drinking, the more it will take for the alcohol to enter the bloodstream,” shares the above-mentioned information hub.
- Alternate drinks with a glass of water: With constant intake of water, you will stay hydrated and likely to drink less, shares Addiction Group.
- Avoid a mix of alcohol: Experts at the above-mentioned hub suggests not to mix alcohol when drinking as that may leave you with a bad hangover the next day. The hub also advises to avoid mixed drinks as they may also give you a hangover.
- Get a good night’s sleep: Alcohol is known to affect bot the quality and the duration of our sleep, shares web-based outlet for medical information and news Medical News Today. If you drank the day before, sleeping early the next day may help heal your hangover.
Also see: Weird ways to cure hangovers