Christmas trimmings are out, the warmer months are here, and everyone is finalising plans for what they intend to do over the festive period.
With so much excitement in the air, remaining focused on finishing incomplete tasks can become quite difficult. Not to mention the exhaustion you feel after an entire year’s worth of hard work and sacrifices you have had to endure.
Often during these months, many people struggle with what is known to be end-of-year fatigue.
The health and wellness publication Icon Health states that end of year fatigue is something that is not uncommon to the work environment. In fact, many experience it and it affects both your physical and mental well-being.
The above-mentioned publication further explains that this is often influenced by multiple factors including increased workloads, holiday stress, and the pressure to meet year-end goals, leaving you feeling drained and burned out.
Additionally, Affinity Health notes that lifestyle choices are another big contributor to fatigue. This is often impacted through factors such as Lack of regular sleep, lack of physical activity, and emotional stress.
To assist with you with balancing the current situation, and end the year at an all-time high, here are few tips on how you can combat end of year fatigue.
Health and wellness publication, Healthline sates that following tips are useful:
Prioritise tasks – Not everything needs to be done at once. It is important to prioritise some of the more important tasks first and leave the rest for a suitable time when you have more energy.
Delegate – You don’t always have to carry the load on your own. Another useful thing to do is delegate some tasks to someone you trust.
Find balance – When leaving the work premises, it is important to leave work duties for work. The important thing is to have a work-life balance. So, relax and use your time to recharge.
Be transparent – Allow others to know what your struggles are, this will help them be mindful before swamping you with extra responsibility.
Also see: Feeling tired all the time? Here’s what might be draining you | Bona Magazine