New Year’s resolutions spark transformative journeys. They are promises for self-improvement, fostering growth, health, and happiness. However, it can sometimes be quite a task to stick to the changes we promised ourselves we would make.
Below are a few tips on how to best stick to your New Year’s resolutions.
Start small
According to Day-Timer (a company providing widely available and relevant planning and organisational tools), setting smaller goals has been proven as a more reasonable way to find success. “Think of little steps you can take along the way to your larger goal.”
Make your resolutions reasonable
If you set resolutions that may be seen as impossible for you to achieve, it will only lead to disappointment, says Day-Timer. The company adds that while we would like to celebrate a drastic life change, developing a reasonable goal on a reasonable timeline is sure to bring success into our lives.
Turn your resolution into a habit
Transform your goal into a reality. “Aim to set aside exactly the same time every day for working towards your goal,” advises LifeHack, an information hub that prioritises time and productivity. “Try to never have a day where you do absolutely nothing. That can often lead to doubts and eventually giving up.”
Track your progress
LifeHack also adds that tracking your progress can be a way to determine what it is you are doing that has the largest effect. “You can, for example, focus on different things and see what yields the best results, and then trim the fat.”
Partner with someone
If you are attempting to stick to your New Year’s resolution alone, you may be too lenient and give yourself a day off for no reason, says the above-mentioned info hub. Thus, by partnering with someone, you will keep each other in check and motivate yourselves to keep moving forward.