Christmas holidays are known to be a jolly season where most people overspend on presents, groceries and clothes shopping.
Different kinds of shoppers identified by PNC include emotional buyers known to love the rush of getting their hands on something new. It is further explained that discount seekers are famous for buying things because they are on sale, whether they need them or not.
The above source adds that convenience cravers are shoppers who can’t resist pop-up ads, and love shopping online lastly what most of us become during the festive season; impulsive buyers, who are known to buy what they want, whenever they want to.
Here are effective tips that might curb the December splurge:
- Always shop with a list– Whether you are shopping online or in person, PNC suggests that you make a list of what you need and not buy anything else, unless it’s on the list.
- Consider cash for in-store shopping– Seeing and feeling your money leave your hand makes you very aware of how much you’re spending. Plus, as you see the cash in your wallet dwindle, you’ll know when it’s time to stop shopping.
- Choose quality time over expensive gifts– Tyme Bank advises that the best present you can give to someone this festive season is your presence. In that way, you are able to save money that would have been spent on buying a gift instead of intentionally spending time with that person.
- DIY presents– You can impress someone by putting in the effort to make a present and personalise it to their liking. A small, personal and memorable gift made from your own hands can mean so much more to the receiver than a large and expensive gift, reckons Tym Bank.