We are often advised not to make friends at work because it is not a place for such developments, but how bad can it actually be?
The below publications beg to differ as well because having work companions can be rewarding as they can add to great success in your daily life at work.
According to an assistant professor at Havard School of Public Health, Dr. Jeff Levin-Scherz, “Employees spend more of their waking hours at work than just about anywhere else.”
“Creating community and opportunities for social interactions at work, even for those who work remotely, can help address our current epidemic of loneliness,” he further adds.
Here is a guideline on how to combat loneliness in the workplace:
Harvard Business Review suggests highlighting your similarities by finding common ground despite your distinct characteristics which will then grow your affection for one another as a result.
It would only make sense to spend time together outside of work once you’ve taken the time to build trust and gradually get to know one another, the above publication further claims.
The Muse states that a simple way to socialise with coworkers is to say “hello” and “have a good night” every day, even to those you pass in the hallway rather than putting your head down.
The above-mentioned source also adds another convenient way to interact with others who are not on your team and an excellent reason to take a genuine break is to eat lunch away from your desk.
Benefits of making friends at work
According to the Havard Business Review, surveys suggest that adults are most likely to form friendships at work which can boost your general involvement and serve as motivation.
According to a people management platform, Lattice, asking a coworker for help rather than rushing to your boss every time about a small problem can be less scary. This is a simple way to shorten the learning curve and transition swiftly into a new job.
The workday goes by more quickly when you have company, you would even enjoy going to work if you have a buddy with whom you can chat, the above source further explains.