Picture: Pexels
The silly season is upon us and this is a time when we get to relax and have a glass or two without worrying about going to work.
Many will be fortunate to get some time off and may indulge more than anticipated on alcoholic beverages, leading to a serious hangover the next day. While there are many known remedies to cure a hangover such as drinking coffee and tea and using pain killers, there are also weird ones that are said to work well.
The healthy vitamin blend drink that is formulated to help neutralise toxins, restore nutrients, replenish and rehydrate, Drinkade, shares the following four weird ways to cure a hangover that we may not have known about:
- Before drinking, rub lemon slices under your armpit. This is said to prevent dehydration and will also help prevent you from getting a headache. Drinkade also notes that before going in the sun, make sure to have washed the lemon slices off your armpits as they will stain your clothes.
- Mix: 1 raw egg, 1 teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce, 2 dashes of Tabasco sauce, salt and pepper. Crack the egg into a glass, leaving the yolk unbroken. Pour in the Worcestershire sauce, sprinkle the salt and pepper, and the tabasco sauce, then drink.
- Mix together lime juice, lemon juice, fish stock and fish scraps, garlic and ginger, and drink. This remedy is said to be good at curing an acheing head and “it’s also an aphrodisiac.” In Peru, this remedy is served as a soup.
- Another combo that is said to wok wonders is a combination of eggs and orange juice. Add 1 raw egg into a glass of orange juice and drink. This combo is said to work as eggs contain a “chemical called cysteine, which helps restore function to your body, and orange juice provides the Vitamin C to revitalise your body,” shares the information hub.
Also see: Potential health benefits of alcoholic beverages