Are you a cat person or a dog person? Or maybe you have a soft spot for birds, reptiles, or even something more exotic? Turns out, your choice of pet might say more about you than you think. Psychologists and animal experts believe that our pet preferences can reflect aspects of our personality, lifestyle, and even emotional needs.
Whether you prefer a furry cuddle buddy or a low-maintenance companion, your pet may just be your perfect personality match.
According to Very Well Mind, research suggests that our choice between cats and dogs can be influenced by psychological, social, and cultural factors, shaping our personality traits and social behaviours.
The publication explains that this can provide insight into our personalities, attachment styles, and interactions with the world. While our favourite pet may not mirror our personality, these preferences can provide insight into our behaviour and attachment styles, adds the above source.
The mentioned publication continues to distinguish s between cat people and dog people, (I’m a cat person by the way).
Cat people are said to be imaginative, inquisitive, and self-reflective, often reserved and appreciate solitude and silence.
Dr Michael Kane, a psychiatrist says “Whilst many people appreciate loving relationships, the bond that cat people value usually grows over time, in the same manner that cats form relationships with humans.”
Dog lovers, on the other hand, are believed to be more extroverted, energetic, and socially inclined, according to Very Well Mind.
The Moonpaws publication claims that a recent survey revealed that dog lovers scored 11% higher in conscientiousness compared to cat lovers, indicating a strong sense of duty and natural planning.
The mentioned study declares that dog lovers are highly self-disciplined, take responsibilities seriously, and thrive on routines and long-term goals.
Also see: The power of pets on well-being