A popular day to put up your Christmas decorations is the 1st of December but according to Healthy living, tradition states that decorations should go up on the first day of Advent, which is the fourth Sunday before Christmas. This year, the fourth Sunday before Christmas falls on Sunday 27th November 2022.
However people have different views about the matter and different communities decide collectively when is the right time to put up holiday Christmas decorations. After a lockdown and for the first time in two years people are finally enthusiastic about celebrating Christmas again and cannot wait to share it with their loved ones.
Christmas enthusiasts believe that Christmas decorations bring people together and creates a friendly environment. Psychologist Deborah Serani told Today Home that decorating your home for Christmas early can “create that neurological shift that can produce happiness”, explaining: “Christmas decorating will spike dopamine, a feel-good hormone.”
Easy tips to remember when organizing your Christmas decorations are:
A Theme: because it enables you to lessen your anxiety about what type of decorations to buy.
Matching outfits: they are good to take amazing pictures with your family and have a Christmas signature drink that you will offer visitors coming to your house for a festive cheer.
Christmas decorations can also bring many families together by doing DIY Christmas decorations, putting the decorations up and sharing stories while doing it.
If you’re spending Christmas alone, invite friends to come help you and you will see how welcoming your home will be.
Also see: Get ready for the one-stop gift shop for your festive shopping