Did you know that your hairbrush is a breeding ground for bacteria? Gross right? That’s why you absolutely need to add “clean hairbrush” to your chore list!
Not only will you scrub away any bacteria and grime, but your hair health will improve drastically. Let’s get into how and why you should clean your hairbrush.
Why should clean your brush?
Grime, dirt, and product build-up
Every time you brush your hair, it picks up hair oil and any product build-up. Even worse, if you leave your hairbrush out on your dressing table, it’s gathering dust. And when you brush your hair again, you’re transferring all that muck back onto your scalp and hair.
That’s just … ew.
This dirt transfer often leads to your hair looking limp and lifeless and can result in it getting dirtier more quickly. Unfortunately, in some cases, a dirty hairbrush can begin irritating your scalp, leading to more serious problems.
Clogged bristles
A clogged-up brush does not perform as well as it should. If you’ve ever felt like your brush isn’t getting rid of those knots like it used to, or it’s not styling your hair like it should, it’s probably time to clean it out!
This is especially the case for specialised brushes, like detanglers, wet brushes, and round brushes.
PS. You can also prolong the life of your brush! Which is a total score.
How do you clean your hairbrush?
Luckily, cleaning your hairbrush is super easy and doesn’t take too long! Even better, this method will work with combs, paddle brushes, and even round brushes!
Step 1: De-hair it
Use a comb or your fingers to gently remove the hair trapped in your brush. Depending on the type of brush, you may need a rat tail comb to really get in between the bristles, or you may have to cut the hair off the brush.
Step 2: Soap it up
Prepare a mixture of warm water and a mild shampoo (with no conditioners/softening agents). Let your brush soak in this bubbly mix for a few minutes. Then, give it a gentle scrub with an old toothbrush to banish any residue.
If you haven’t cleaned your brush in a while or use a lot of products in your hair, add a teaspoon or two of baking soda to your soapy mix.
Step 3: Rinse and Dry
Once your brush is squeaky clean, rinse it thoroughly under warm water. Let it air dry, bristle-side down, on a clean towel. Voila! Your brush is now ready for another round of hair-beautifying adventures.
And voila! You’re done! As easy as that!
How often should I clean my hairbrush?
This all depends on how much product you use when styling your hair. The general rule of thumb is that if you use quite a bit of oils and styling products, you wash your brush at least once a week.
But, if you don’t use that much product, your brush may need a good clean every two to three weeks.
Should I clean my hairbrush every day?
You can. But it’s not necessary. If you’re washing your makeup brushes daily (which you should be) then why not add your hairbrush into the mix as well?
Should I replace my brush?
Not many people know this, but yes, you absolutely should! Once the bristles begin wearing down and you find that the brush feels perpetually dirty no matter how often you clean it, it’s time for a new brush.
Generally, a basic, no-name brush can last about six months to a year, but a good-quality brush can last you a few years!
Complied by Jade McGee