Do you ever feel like you’re caught up in the never-ending cycle of adulting, job, and chores? Same here.
At times, you feel like there seems to be something important or serious to do all the time, and it’s easy to forget that life should be enjoyable. There’s that voice inside of you that says you only turn 24 once, Akhona. Don’t get me wrong, we are not saying YOLO throughout your whole life, but perhaps you can live a little at times, and you can begin by choosing a hobby. You never know, it might turn into the next best thing!
According to WebMD, “A hobby is any activity that you frequently do for pleasure during your leisure time. This could include creative, athletic, and intellectual activities. People take up different types of hobbies that interest them, such as dancing, singing, skating, or gardening. Others like quieter activities such as meditation or spending some time closer to nature by taking long walks.”
Here’s why they are crucial to maintaining a healthy balance in your life and a contented soul.
Hobbies are the best way to escape the chaos of life, whether you’re taking up a new recipe in the kitchen, playing an instrument, or losing yourself in a good book.
They are like pressing the reset button for your mind, helping to reduce stress and anxiety in a world where we’re always balancing work, family, and other obligations, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.
Maniology claims, “When you find a hobby you truly connect with and appreciate, you can feel excited to partake in it. When you once would have spent your time being bored and idle, now your time can go towards something that actually benefits you!”