Do you believe social media has an impact on how we perceive our relationships and what the ideal relationship looks like? Do you often find yourself looking at YouTube couples or Instagram couples and start comparing your relationships to theirs? On social media you see these couples, buying each other cars, moving in together, going on luxurious trips, and buying designer gifts for each other.
This type of behaviour is more common when you see people on social media but it also happens in regards to people you know in real life.
Social media can be misleading and sometimes maybe a facade, most of the time people will show you what they want you to see so while you’re looking at these relationships and thinking they’re so perfect nine times out of ten they’re going through their problems and sometimes not happy with the relationship that they’re in.
Medium lets us know why idolising relationships isn’t a good idea. Idolising relationships creates this desperation to be in one and when you find yourself in desperation to be in a relationship this is what creates a lot of unhealthy relationships because you’re fixated on being with anyone you don’t analyse their true value, their true potential.
Stop trying to build relationships off of infatuation because these relationships are built off of the idea of how relationships should look like rather than the true depth of a relationship.
Keep in mind there is nothing wrong with looking up to a relationship especially if it’s a healthy one but never try to live your dreams in somebody else’s. Be able to create your own story, your fairytale. Don’t take someone else’s relationship and try to relive that, what works for one couple is not going to work for everyone.
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