Should you come clean to your partner if you cheated? “There are no universal rules about coming clean,” says Michele Weiner-Davis, M.S.W., a ...
A survival guide to dating a ‘mamas boy’ Dating a “mama’s boy” can be quite challenging, trying to navigate between being a...
Signs you’re not in love with your partner At the start of the relationship, you are filled with butterflies and feelings of excitement that yo...
Is not being posted on social media a red flag in a relationship? Relationship rules can vary, especially when it comes to the internet. You may run into many gray ar...
Why scheduling sex is a good idea Although scheduling sex doesn’t sound particularly sexy, it could be exactly what you need to ...
How to cope with Valentine’s day right after a break-up Break-ups are awful. No matter when they occur, but they might feel especially unpleasant when they ...
Should you end your relationship if you did not receive anything for V-day? As we all know, Valentine’s day is the day many showcase their love to the partners through sm...
Things you should never apologise for in a relationship It is part of human nature to make mistakes. Mistakes are bound to happen every single day however n...
How to deal with a friendship breakup When friendships end, it is never easy. It may have ended because of your decision, or it might have...
Should you change for your partner? Sometimes, sometimes frequently, changing yourself is required for a relationship. Compromise is the...
Ways to help your partner out of a bad mood We all have our fair share of good and bad days. It is unfortunate that when your partner is in a ba...
Healthy boundaries to set in your relationship In order for relationships to thrive, there are some important conversations you need to have as soo...