When dealing with a narcissist, you are dealing with a person with extreme self-involvement to a point where those actions make another person’s needs feel ignored.
WebMD states that although everyone may occasionally show narcissistic behaviour, true narcissists frequently disregard others or their feelings. They might also not understand the effect their behaviour has on other people.
WebMD further mentions that narcissism is a trait, but can also be part of a larger personality disorder.
Still, it is important to know just how to handle narcissists in any given situation.
Below are tips, provided by WebMD, on how to do so.
Educate yourself: Be sure to find out more about the disorder, as it will help you to understand the narcissist’s strengths and weaknesses and how you can handle them better.
Stay calm: It is important that you try not to react if your narcissistic partner tries to pick a fight with or gaslight you. If they lash out, just think of them as a toddler who feels rejected because their parents had set a bedtime.
Speak up for yourself: Remember that you are also in the relationship. If you need something, make sure you are clear and concise.
Watch your wording: People with the disorder do not take constructive criticism well. So, when making a comment, do it in a careful and positive way.
Create boundaries: It is important to be clear about your boundaries. Although they may be upset about it, do remember that it is not your responsibility to control their emotions.
Introduce therapy: Going to therapy with your partner will not cure narcissism, but it will help you work out certain things. The therapist can always show you ways to approach problem-solving with the narcissist.
Create a support system: Feelings of insecurity, confusion and self-doubt may arise if living with a narcissist. Make sure that you have a trusted group of individuals in your life that support you.
Also see: How to handle a friendship breakup