We all love the look of perfectly manicured salon nails but find it impossible to do it at home. You actually end up with nails looking worse than before you started. No need to worry anymore, there are hacks you can try to help you get perfectly manicured nails without going to the salon. By Grace Mantjiu
Image: Unsplash
Here are a few nail painting hacks to help you nail that DIY manicure:
1. Apply multiple thin coats instead of one thick layer. The thick layer only dries at the top; therefore your manicure will be vulnerable to smudges.
SEE ALSO: Get salon perfect nails yourself with a DIY manicure
2. Don’t shake your nail polish. Doing that causes tiny air bubbles which create lumpy and uneven surface. Instead, roll the bottle between your hands.
3. Apply petroleum jelly around the nail to correct mistakes afterwards. This creates a barrier that prevents spills from sticking so you can wipe it easily and fast.
SEE ALSO: Nails trend straight from the runway
4. Set your nails in ice water! Once your nails have air-dried, dunk them in ice cold water to set them instantly.
5. Fix a smudge by licking it. Yes, it works, lick your finger and smoothen the smudge. The saliva softens the polish and helps smooth it out. Lick with tip of your tongue… don’t eat!
SEE ALSO: The 3 step manicure DIY you didn’t know you needed
6. Nails peel in layers at the tip because of the way you file them. Swap your normal filer for a glass nail file to reduce damage.