The SABC has announced that SABC 2’s popular telenovela, Giyani Land of Blood. The channel announced the news on social media. The show is South Africa’s first Xitsonga telenovela and made its debut in April. The channel shared in part: “GiyaniLandOfBlood is coming to an end on 26 November 2019. As with any telenovela, it was due to end after some time.”
SABC announced that Giyani Land of Blood will be replaced by a new SeSotho drama called Lithapo. The channel shared in part: “SABC2 has lined up another interesting telenovela titled Lithapo – starting January 2020.”
SABC 2 cancels Giyani Land of Blood. Here’s a look at what the channel had to say.
Dear @GiyaniSABC2 viewers:#GiyaniLandOfBlood is coming to an end on 26 November 2019. As with any telenovela, it was due to end after some time.
SABC2 has lined up another interesting telenovela titled Lithapo – starting January 2020.— SABC_2 (@SABC_2) November 18, 2019