Throughout the years, how weaves and wigs are installed have developed to give you a more natural look. With hair terms always changing, make sure you know what is what with our go-to guide for all your closures and frontals questions.
Let’s talk about wigs.
Wigs come in a variety of shades and hair types. Wigs can either be made from human hair or synthetic hair and even human hair blends. The hair can either be styled as kinky, wavy, silky straight or loose curls and they can be either one solid colour or an ombré style. Whatever type of hair or style you go for, make sure you pay attention to how it’s been constructed, especially the closure or frontal.
SEE ALSO: 6 things you need to consider before buying a wig
What is a closure?
A closure is a hairpiece that is usually made of lace or silk, although lace is the far more common choice as it is cheaper. A closure is usually pretty small and limits how the hair can be parted. You can look for closures that have either a C-shape or L-shape parting, depending on which style you prefer. Closures make sure that no real hair is left out and that your real hair stays protected.
What is a frontal?
A frontal is larger than a closure, which makes it more versatile, but also more expensive. It can either be an ear to ear frontal or a 360 frontal. With an ear-to-ear frontal, you can part your hair in any way. Currently, a lot of wigs brands, such as Outre, make wigs with a structured parting in their frontals usually an L-shape parting. Some frontals come with baby hairs to give a more natural looking hairline.
SEE ALSO: How good wigs are actually made
1. Lace vs silk. Silk closures or frontals will always be more expensive than lace closures or frontals. This is because the knots of the hair are not visible as they are in embedded into the layer of silk. This gives a more scalp-like appearance.
2. 360 Frontal. A 360 frontal is a frontal, either made with silk or lace, that goes right around the head. This type of closure makes it possible to do any kind of hairstyle, such as a high ponytail, while still keeping a realistic look. It’s currently very trendy to use a 360 frontal and add weave bundles to create a wig, instead of sowing it to your hair as a weave. This video shows exactly how to apply your 360 lace frontal wig.
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