Quitting your job might not always be the easiest decision to make, and knowing when to do it is even more difficult. We have therefore compiled a list of factors you should consider before taking such a big step.
Nothing you do is right
If doing your job has become impossibly challenging and you feel there is nothing you do right, then it might be time to reconsider. It is alright to receive criticism from your bosses, especially if it is constructive and helps to guide you. If, however, you feel the criticism you receive is constantly negative, with no balance of positive remarks; and the job feels like a never-ending uphill battle, then something is wrong.
You’re constantly stressed and anxious
Feeling stressed or anxious about certain situations is normal and can even be good because the stress can fuel you to better performance. This becomes a real problem when the stress starts to affect your health and overall well-being. If your job makes you feel seriously overwhelmed and you start to notice changes in your body or weight as a result, then you know you need to make some changes in your life – changing jobs might just be what you need.
You’re reading this article
If you are reading this article, then you have clearly been thinking about leaving your job. Our thoughts and feelings are closely connected to the decisions we make, and it’s important to pay attention to that little voice inside telling you that something is wrong. Do not ignore small signs of unhappiness because they will build up and start affecting your behaviour and work ethic. Rather deal with the problem while it’s still small to avoid maximum dissatisfaction.
You have a horrible boss
What makes a bad boss? A bad boss is one who puts their own needs before those of the company or employees. If your boss is a control freak and micro-manages every task you do, takes credit for your good work,and intentionally stifles your growth and development in the company, then you can be sure that they are bad. Consider the traits that make your boss horrible before concluding that they are because there is a possibility you are being too subjective in your judgement.
You’re underpaid
Being underpaid, as Forbes magazine reports, is worse than receiving no pay at all. Also keep in mind that if you settle for an underpaying job, you set a standard of worth for yourself that even future employers might use as a reference. If your pay is not negotiable and prospects for growth seem dim, then make a move to greener pastures. Be sure that you have accurately measured your true worth before talking to your boss about getting a higher salary, and also present the facts and evidence of your work in a review meeting to reflect your potential.