You can get away with anything at the office if you make a smart decision. We have the know-how to help. The work environment can be conniving, with a few colleagues that may not have your best interest at heart or a boss that wants to fire you. Despite your working condition, there is a way to make things work in your favour, here’s how:

You are only as smart as your last thought, so don’t waste time doodling and rethinking. Think on your feet and be quick to act on your thoughts. Just make sure that your thoughts are clear, positive and creative because you do not want to annoy your boss with idiotic ideas at your next brainstorm meeting.
Instead of sticking to the same negative and laidback attitude you always have, change this and become the kind and generous to people you work with. By no means should you be sucking up, but you shouldn’t be closed off either. Be the person that is easy to talk to and have an open mind about your job.
If you are in a junior position, don’t waste time thinking about how your seniors mistreat you and have you doing all the heavy chores. See this as a chance to learn more and add more to your list of skills, because you are only as good as your last job, don’t waste it whining, but rather winning.
Being all about your job is great, but it can also be unhealthy. Yes, it is good to put in the extra hours but don’t compromise your free time just to please your boss. Find something outside the office that makes you feel good – take up dancing, join a soccer team or golfing. Use that as your go-to place when work has you stressed out. This will help you feel refreshed for your next work day.
This may sound obvious because you perhaps don’t see yourself as the bad guy, but this does happen. You could find yourself having a stupid argument with someone about something small and this could have you fired, or you may fall for the hot guy at the office and find yourself with sexual harassment lawsuit from HR. Pick your arguments well.