Time is never on anyone’s side, making it difficult to make money. With these 5 tips, maybe we can change all that.

I have often been told “time is money”, but I never quite understood this until I started working. The more time you spend working, the better your chances to be rewarded well. This is why I’ve compiled five useful tips that can help you save time by using it well, enabling you to make a profit.
How else will you know how much you can make, if you don’t know what you have? Calculate how much time you have and use this as a guide to see what you can get out of it.
If you know you need six hours of sleep, plan your life around this. So to for work: if you know that preparing for work takes 30 minutes, then make sure you plan ahead so you aren’t late.
You need to put yourself first, but you won’t make extra bucks by always taking time off. When you have to braid your friend’s hair for a small fee at the same time as your having a spa treatment, I’d say do the hair, which will increase your income.
Do not waste time trying deciding what to do. Make up your mind and stick to your decision.
Commit yourself to something you know you will enjoy. If you know the company you work for has room for growth, work hard, and invest your time in the company; offer to do extra work and help out where possible. Before you know it, you could get the promotion you wanted (and the increased income).