Unplanned, impulse buying is often the culprit of overspending. With all the Valentine’s Day deals online and in-store, it’s very easy to lose sight of creative and thoughtful ideas that won’t cost a lot.

With only a few days before Valentine’s Day, we often make use of the most accessible Valentine’s Day deals, throwing all caution to the wind just to ensure that we are not empty handed on the 14th of February. But what happens after that?
“The reality is that these prices are often inflated. For example, a bunch of twelve flowers can cost around R400, and is unlikely to last for a long period of time.
Consider going back to basics. We seem to have forgotten about the wonder of creativity and using thoughtful creative ways to make truly authentic and cost efficient gifts.” says Eunice Sibiya, Head of FNB Consumer Education.
Eunice suggests the following ideas.
Put it on paper
When last did you write a love letter? There is nothing quite as thoughtful as opening up an envelope to find a handwritten letter inside that you can read over and over again. It tells a person that you’ve thought about what the relationship means and will probably only cost you an envelope and paper if you don’t have that in the house.
If you have a bit extra to spend, include a single long stemmed rose with the letter for her, or a little bag of biltong for him.
Print it on paper
The fast paced digital world that we live in has resulted in us capturing precious memories on digital camera, but rarely printing them out. Home stores have multi-photo frames that allow you to make a collage of all your most special memories. These can cost as little as R130. If it takes eight photos and you print at R3 a photo, you can give a special gift for R154.
For those who are feeling extra creative and that want to cut costs further, span a ribbon or piece of string against a wall from one end to the other. Print out the photos and clip them onto the string with washing pegs to make a memory mural.
“This entitles you to” coupons
Keep it cute, witty and relevant. Cut paper into rectangular pieces and decorate them to make coupons. Write a note on each coupon such as “This coupon entitles you to one free supper” and staple them together. Leave it on your partner’s pillow or hand it over to them with an envelope and a chocolate.
It’s so easy to fall into the trap of society that suggests that we need to buy something in order to show that we care when it might not even be the best way to show your love to your partner.
If you already know your partner, make sure you give them a gift that speaks to them. If your partner for example enjoys acts of service, show them you care by doing something, like working in the garden, with them.
“Remember that you need to celebrate your relationship and love. Don’t fall victim to the hype of Valentine’s Day, particularly if you can’t afford it. At the end of the day it’s about making each other feel special and spending time together,” concludes Sibiya.