The thought of looking for a job can be overwhelming, especially if you do not know where to start. You want to find the right place to work, but also do not want to spend too much time doing research when you could be spending that time sending your curriculum vitae. This is why a recruitment agency would be best!

Niteske Marshall, MD for Network Recruitment, shares tips on how to make sure you have the right recruitment agency:
Make sure you know the top agencies in the country that have a good reference, as well as the people who have used them and got jobs. The best way to do this is to ask around – friends and family members can be of help.
Before searching for a job, you must at least have an idea of what work you would like to get into. There are various agencies for different careers. Whether it is the entertainment, law or business industry you are interested in, once you have decided then you can be redirected to the right vacancies.
With technology on the rise, it will be easier to find the right agency online as most of them have a website. This is where you can also check to see if the agency is registered with the South African Revenue Service (SARS).
Yes, word of mouth can be the best advertisement for a good recruitment agency and to alert you of the one that is doing a legit job. But the best of the agencies will also have a credible advert that will be legally binding and offer realistic promises without requesting upfront payment from you.