The festive season is upon us, and with that comes the urge to splurge, often with much abandon and little planning. Yet against the backdrop of a less-than-rosy financial year, where a bonus is more a surprise than an expectation, take a tip from the Three Wise Men and be jolly without blowing your budget.
Charl Nel, Head of Communications at Capitec Bank, shares how to take control of Christmas, instead of it controlling you:
Double-up on the fun
- Just because Santa gave the kids a 4X4 bike or iPhone last year doesn’t mean they have to get something as flashy again. Get smart and choose a gift that the two (or three) of them can enjoy, at half the cost. Try a set of beach bats and ball, a gaming console or an old-school board game like chess. Not only will the kids get to spend quality time together, they’ll also develop their hand-eye coordination or strategic skills. Or you can go back to basics and fill a box with art supplies. Paints, coloured paper and play dough are relatively affordable but can give your kids hours of good, clean, messy fun.
- It’s not just the kids that need to learn to share, go Dutch with the adults too. Instead of your family buying a gift for your partner, create a wish list of big ticket items like a cutlery set or new carpet for the lounge. Give a copy to your family, and invite them to pool their gifts so you receive something you really need and can share. Do the same for your parents, aunts and uncles and see how much more they’ll appreciate a new blender over another pair of socks and soap-on-a-rope.
Too many chefs can be a good thing
- Christmas can become a bit like Masterchef: everyone wants to be the best. Be smart – instead of fielding cheap pot shots between your aunt and cousin at Christmas dinner, encourage a more diplomatic menu where each foodie brings her, or his, favourite dish for the table. This could do wonders for the festive mood and may even spark a few long overdue compliments between the clans.
Smart shopper
- If the silly season is in full swing and you’re heading from one function to another, forego time-busting Christmas shopping by doing it online. With no shortage of mobile devices to access retailers remotely, buying a pantry full of produce, a new outfit or even gifts is as simple as pick and click. Some debit cards like Capitec’s Global One, debit MasterCard also functions like a credit card, without the risk of getting into debt. Online shopping is often cheaper so you’ll save tons of time, overcrowded mall frustration and moolah. A few options to check out include www.kalahari.com, www.mrprice.co.za or www.zando.co.za.
Splash of colour
- To impress the Christmas stockings for the nearest and dearest, be daring with a pop of jolly colour to revamp your dining table or even cutlery. If that’s too bold a move, be simple by adding a sassy red tablecloth, green placemats or trendy luminous baubles and crackers. A dash of colour can do wonders; just don’t go overboard and try it on the leather couch.
- Instead of hosting Christmas at yours, why not invite all the family to stay under one roof next to the sea or a tent holiday? Family accommodation is often cheaper in numbers so book well in advance and split the cost, saving everyone.
The gift that will keep on giving
- Start teaching your brood the ABC’s of banking by highlighting the importance of saving in their piggy banks as a little empowerment gift. The fascinating branch experience with their very own bank card is by far the best gift – especially when they can see their pocket money grow.
“All your good savings habits don’t have to go south just because it’s Christmas. Instead, have a game plan and involve your whole family in its success. This could do wonders for both the family dynamics as well as your pocket,” concludes Nel.