Freelancing can provide a great deal of freedom when it comes to the decisions that affect your work and life. Freelancing even has the potential to go from an unpredictable form of income to a stable business that you can later sell and retire from.
Below are other benefits of freelancing.
Building your personal brand
When you freelance, the manner and quality in which you do your work is a direct reflection of you and not of a company or firm. Everything becomes a little more personal and you will realise that even the smallest details make a difference. You will interact with a range of people in your personal capacity and form relationships, which could be very helpful when it comes to being exposed to bigger opportunities for growth.
No office politics
An office environment can be very stressful, especially because there are different people coming together in the interests of achieving one goal. Personalities are bound to clash and the drama and pressure of being within the chaos of an office can work against you, even making you hate your job (which at some stage, you might have been very passionate about). As a freelancer, you can do what you love without having to deal with the added pressure of an office.
Flexible working hours
As a freelancer, you work when you are able to. Although this might require a good amount of discipline on your part, you are likely to put in the work because it is your personal name that is attached to your work. Flexible hours are also great because you are able to put time into doing the more important things like spending more time with your family, exercising more and maintaining a good balance.
The profit is yours to keep
Working for a company can sometimes make you feel like a slave as you will be working very hard to make money for someone else. You might earn only a small fraction of the profits, especially in comparison to company executives and founders. As a freelancer, you keep all your profits and are not even obliged to pay employees. It all belongs to you.
Gain experience and skills
As a freelance, you will be working with many different clients and companies. This will teach you other things. Your skills will not be limited to the procedures and processes of one place, but instead, your experience will come from a variety of places, exposing you to difference structures, different information and tools. This will strengthen your CV and give you a broader knowledge of the field you are in, which will also allow you to comment and have an opinion on topics the typical person in your field would not.