People, being prone to stress and other hormone-altering influences, can be in a bad mood from time to time and this is understandable. When a person is constantly in a negative state of mind and brings out the worst in others, then they can be classified as toxic. These are not the easiest people to be around, especially at work.
Here are five constructive ways to help you deal
Be Professional
When in an argument with a toxic co-worker, you might find yourself getting really worked up to the point that you explode with personal insults or throwbacks, which might only work to feed the toxic fire of the person you are dealing with. Keep calm, using only facts to back up your statements.
Set Boundaries
Define your values as a person and stick to them. If you value respect and your dignity, for instance, then stick to that and do not tolerate any behaviour towards you that is disrespectful or infringes on your dignity. People around you will notice this and treat you accordingly. If you have to work closely with the toxic person, do the required work, avoid any gossip and unrelated topics, complete the job then leave.
Stay Positive
Never let a toxic person bring your energy levels down. It can be difficult to block out their negative energy but you need to realise that it is not personal. Regardless of how personal the situation may seem, toxic people are usually the way they are to everyone around them. You can make sure they do not affect your happiness by not responding to their negative messages at all or by giving out a simple positive response.
Choose your Battles
There is a saying “do not argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference”. This point is very closely related to the previous one about not taking the actions of the other person personally. Always think carefully before you (re)act and weigh the situation against a scale of worthiness for your attention and energy. Silence is often a powerful tool.
Put yourself First
Having to deal with toxic people daily at work or home can really take its toll on you , your sanity as well as your emotional well-being. Be sure to always take care of yourself. Take some time out away from the person to recuperate and restore your strength. Avoid being around them during lunch time and if you happen to have the same friends, try doing something different with a new friend who brings positivity into your life.