So you hate your job and don’t even want to get on with all that is due for deadline this Friday, but aren’t sure how you got to feel this way. What’s worse is that you feel stuck in your job. Executive and leadership coach Bev Handcock gives advice on how creating positivity at work can help you move forward with life.
You are at work five days a week, which means less of your time would be spent at home and more with your co-workers. A feeling of being stuck in one place can thus be easily generated. According to Bev, research shows that people who are happy at work have 65% more energy and tend to stay in their role four times longer.

Rebuild trust and communication
One way to unglue you from work stress is to talk to your boss or co-workers. Be very open about how you feel and your failures. Yes, this may be embarrassing if you have a little pride and hate appearing weak, but this will help.
Become proactive and innovative
This will make you a problem solver as apposed to the stuck-up missy. The reason you got stuck in the first place was because you choose not to be active in your workspace. Change this by participating.
Say it, mean it and do it
Work on having a good relationship with your boss and colleagues. This will create a positive environment for you,which will help you work better and progress. Your meaningful contribution will only be acknowledged if you are genuine.
Be present
Make the most of every moment and take charge at work. Live in the moment and stop stressing about what could have gone right.
It’s okay to have a BFF
Your plan was to get in, work a few years and get out. But now you find yourself unhappy because it’s been five years and you’re stuck – so to say. Well, that is because you take everything too seriously. Live a little and make a friend or two at the office. Bev advises that a work friend will help bring you happiness and create a healthy workspace.