It is always tit for tat when it comes to the work industry – you do something good in return for getting something good. So you’re eminent to impress the boss only to be sure you can get a raise or promotion, but this doesn’t have to be your reasoning.

From a personal experience, I have learnt that if you carry a positive energy in anything you do, the energy you get back will be just as rewarding. I have also learnt that doing this in the workplace can never be easy until you learn to balance.
Have a respectful relationship with your boss, one which enables you to see them as your superior, not a monster. Not all bosses are open with their employees, but the best way to have a healthy relationship with them is to show concern – not just about work, but personal life too by asking how children are doing or complimenting a new hairdo. This could put a smile on your boss’ face and the after effect may be positive for everyone in the office.
I often struggle to speak up when I am stuck with work, especially just before deadline. However, I realise that speaking out about where I am going wrong can work in my favour and please the boss. So, instead of keeping quiet about things, be honest with your boss about what is going on at all times.
Sure, it would be easier if you just did what you were hired to do; you have no time to do extra work because you are overwhelmed with what you have already. But volunteering to give an extra hand at something else creates a healthy space for everyone in the office and not just your boss.
Your boss may like having you work extra hard, but do not make your extra hard work about a raise or promotion. Your genuine energy to help and impress her gives you a better chance of succeeding in the industry and keeping a good relationship with the boss.