Did you know that only 13% of people worldwide actually like going to work? That’s crazy when you consider the fact that you spend the majority of your time at work.
According to Kenneth Matabane, Director at ICAS Southern Africa, people are unhappy at work for a number of reasons. “Many employees go to work every day but are dissatisfied with their jobs and feel powerless to change the situation. While it is normal to have bad days at work, if feelings of discontent become habitual, it may be time to reassess and find ways to make your work more fulfilling.”
Here are his tips for getting the most out of your job:
1.What does job satisfaction mean to you?
People require different things to feel fulfilled in the workplace. For some people, job satisfaction means a big salary and great benefits, but for another person it is about opportunities for growth and a good organisational culture. Deciding what job satisfaction means to you is the first step to obtaining it.
2. Have the right conversations
It is important to have the right conversations with the right people. If you are unhappy at work, speak to your direct manager about ways you can make your job more enjoyable. This must be done once you have identified what job satisfaction means to you, as this will enable your manager to help you more effectively.
3. Relationship with your employer
Try as best as you can to work on your relationship with your employer. “If you like your employer and the company that employs you, it is easier to feel more connected to your job and the role you play in the organisation,” says Matabane. Feeling like you make a valuable contribution to the company will increase your job satisfaction.
4. Craft your own job
While our jobs are largely dictated by the specifications and requirements of the role, our approach to what we do doesn’t have to be. Job crafting means defining parameters and identifying opportunities for growth within your current position. For instance, if you see fulfilling work as being challenged by your tasks, identify growth opportunities and speak to your employer about pursuing them. The key to job crafting is to take ownership of your work and find creative ways to get the most out of your job.
5. Work on your workplace relationships
We spend most of our time at work therefore, building workplace relationships is important and should not be neglected. Often sharing a laugh with a co-worker can brighten a gloomy work day. Exchanging ideas and experiences with others can also help you further your knowledge and skills.
6. Focus on the positive
Your attitude towards your job, tasks and colleagues will impact your sense of satisfaction at work. Try to approach what you do with a positive outlook and will certainly leave you feeling less despondent.
7. Be on the lookout for new opportunities
Always be on the lookout for new ways in which you can get involved in your company. If someone is needed to do something, be the first to volunteer. Whether there is a special project or a training course, make sure you expose yourself to as much as possible to create variety and excitement in your job.