Being poor does not guarantee spiritual fulfilment, and neither does being rich. In order to be financially healthy and happy, you need to have spiritual fulfilment with a positive attitude that won’t devalue you as a person. Dr Ezekiel Mathole, an executive pastor at Grace Bible Church helps us enrich our mind by explaining the connection between money and our spirituality.
Famous Quote Money is the root of all evil
The famous saying: ‘Money is the root of all evil’ is an unfortunate misquotation of the Bible verse 1 Timothy 6:10, which reads: For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. The verse is a caution against covetousness that makes us end up with many moral indiscretions in our lives.
Money takes and reflects the character of the person who is transacting with it. How you use your money will give people a clear picture of the kind of person you are.
What does being wealthy mean?
The common tendency is to look at wealth in terms of abundance in material resources such as moveable and immovable (assets), cash, intellectual and physical property. The temptation is usually stronger towards narrowing wealth to possessions due to the attractive public image they create.
What is the difference between being rich and wealthy?
These terms are usually used daily in our community synonymously to describe being well off. To the ordinary people, being rich and wealthy means one and the same thing. But to the sophisticated, it seems to have the connotation of being rich to the highest degree, implying when you are highly resourced. It means having a high net worth in the league of USD, Euro and sterling millionaires and billionaires.
What advice do you give to someone who wants to succeed but does not want money to control them?
You need to have a life view that does not define success only in financial terms. Instead, look at success broadly to include other aspects of your personal development such as physical health, spiritual soundness and psychological wellness. We must be driven by our higher purpose and values if we do not want money to control us.
Do you think there is a spiritual connection to being financially successful?
There is always a context to our spirituality and our current financial positions. There is usually a specific background that has shaped someone’s spirituality, and given credence to their financial status. In our country, there are people who have been economically, educationally, socially and politically marginalised historically and are financially deprived as we speak. Meanwhile, there are other people who have economic advantage and, therefore, positioned to be successful financially even when they are not spiritually committed.
How do you balance being spiritual, wealthy and financially successful?
We have to admit that there is no silver bullet that can take away this tension of keeping a healthy balance in being wealthy and yet being deeply spiritual. If you want to maintain that balance, you have to make it part of your daily agenda in life. You must strive to keep a right perspective about money in your life. Never allow yourself to be too preoccupied with financial issues that you neglect other essential areas of your life.